Amelia McNeil

School Assistant

Favorite quotes: 

We meet no ordinary people in our lives”— C.S. Lewis

Career Highlights:

Bozeman Montessori Support Staff, Summer Camp Counselor, and Big Sister.

Special Skills:

Whatever needs to get done; I can figure out a way to make it happen.

Things I am passionate about:

Helping others in any way I can and being positive even when it’s difficult. 

In my free time, I love to:

Read books and write, spend time with my family and friends, weight lift, hike, thrift and sleep in whenever I can.

I want to be remembered by:

A positive impact I left with at least one person. If I helped even just one person in some capacity I think it’ll all be worth it. 

When I was little, I loved to:

Build fairy houses, hunt for trolls, and play pirates. I would tell stories and explore, all while being barefoot of course. 

Personal philosophy:

Notice things; notice the little things and remember them.