Whitley Wescom

Meadowsweet Assistant Guide

Special Skills:

A special skill I have is that I'm very flexible and understanding. I can roll with the punches and understand that sometimes things don't go as planned but it’s important that I try my best no matter what.

Things I am passionate about:

My health and the way I treat my body and the world. I am passionate about my carbon footprint and being as healthy as I can be for my family and myself. We get one life, that's it.

In my free time, I love to:

In my free time I like to take advantage of the outside with my family and my dog. We do frequent hikes, skiing, snowboarding, walks and fishing.

Want to be remembered:

I want to be remembered by my big heart and my willingness to stand up for what is right and wrong. I have a huge heart for people and for animals and I am hugely empathetic. I am caring and funny and I love that about myself.